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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Cobblestones - wet and dry

Some beautiful weather, then a rather wet day when I decided to walk along the famous Charles Bridge. Starting with the good weather - of course!

Plenty of walking to be done in Prague.

This is the area of Republic Square - made modern by having several modern shopping malls.

But the weekly markets bring it all back into perspective.

Crossing Old Town Square on a very wet morning.
Sure keeps the tourist numbers down, but many (like me) have only limited time available, so cannot be too choosy about rain, hail or shine!

On a sunny day, you can hardly see the cobblestones for tourists!

Also busy at Prague Castle in the sunshine

Walking on Charles Bridge on a very damp day But nothing could spoil the awe of being there!

Other coblestones I trod in the Czech Republic - at Český Krumlov (medieval town in southern Bohemia).

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