A silent Sunday morning - with the birds
A week or so back, I was hanging the washing out on the line. It was a clear, sunny, early spring morning; chilly overnight around zero, but the sun doesn't take too long to bring a little warmth to the air when the sky is so clear.
It was great to just stand and enjoy the early morning sunshine and the ambient, peaceful sounds of the surrounding back-yard birds. Sparrows tweet, magpie chortles far and near, some parrots or galahs giving a bit of a squawk, pee-wits with something that sounds like "OK", the bell-like calls of the king parrots, the boring notes of a Koel.

At that stage, even the two yappy neighbour dogs were quiet, though they would be on and off upsetting each other quite soon; but yaps are quieter than woofs!

When the sun gets a little higher, the currawongs start their raucous calls; they have many call-sets but their songs are not as melodic as those of the magpies.
Later, inside sitting at the computer with the window open, and the background "sounds of silence" continued.
Such a peaceful neighbourhood. Even a crow/raven "ark, ark" calling, and the squeaky doves are now up and about.
I am fortunate to llive in a suburb that was developed over 35 years ago. One of the many established garden suburbs. It takes quite a while for newly planted shrubs and ecualypts/gum trees to bring greenness to the harsh brick veneer landscape left after estate development. However, in the older suburbs "the bush" still rings true. Well-established shrubs are green giants and gum trees planted 20-30 years ago are now towering, swaying in the strong winds - though as I'm writing this on a gusty, grey morning, I'm reminded of their nasty habit of dropping twigs, bark and sometimes rather large branches!
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